Saturday 11 December 2021

Rick and Morty

 Rick and Morty Fakes

Rick and Morty, despite ripping 'Back to the Future', kicked off really well. The first two seasons were classic and then it all went downhill as popularity, laziness and lack of talent kicked in. Then Solar Opposites diluted it to the point where every great aspect of the show had gone, along with Roiland The fifth season had little featurettes after the show, where dumbass idiots attempted to explain why the plot was so cool but wound up looking like smug, overpaid... *** etc. etc.

The essence of Rick and Morty was the family, the contrast that made the wackiness actually wacky. The family could never be part of the wackiness, else it would cease to be wacky.

Unlike Roiland, I don't rip off well-known shows. At all. Ever.



Best in Summer





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